Starting NASim using OpenAI gym

On startup NASim also registers each benchmark scenario as an Gymnasium environment, allowing NASim benchmark environments to be loaded using gymnasium.make().

All benchmark scenarios can be loaded using gymnasium.make().


Custom scenarios must be loaded using the nasim library directly, see Starting a NASim Environment.

Environment Naming

Unlike when starting an environment using the nasim library directly, where environment modes are specified as arguments to the nasim.make_benchmark() function, when using gymnasium.make() the scenario and mode are specified in a single name.

When using gymnasium.make() each environment has the following mode and naming convention:



  • ScenarioName is the name of the benchmark scenario in Camel Casing
  • [PO] is optional and specifies the environment is in partially observable mode, if it is not included the environment is in fully observable mode.
  • [2D] is optional and specifies the environment is to return 2D observations, if it is not included the environment returns 1D observations.
  • [VA] is optional and specifies the environment is to accept Vector actions (parametrised actions), if it is not included the environment expects integer (flat) actions.
  • vX is the environment version. Currently (as of version 0.10.0) all environments are on v0

For example, the ‘tiny’ benchmark scenario in partially observable mode with flat action-space and flat observation space has the name:


Or the ‘small-gen’ benchmark scenario in fully observable mode with parametrised action-space and flat observation-space has the name:


Or the ‘medium-single-site’ benchmark scenario in partially observable mode with parametrised action-space and 2D observation-space has the name:



See Environment Settings for more explanation on the different modes.


Now we understand the naming of environments, making a new environment using gym.make() is easy.

For example to create a new TinyPO-v0 environment:

import gymnasium as gym
env = gym.make("nasim:TinyPO-v0")

# to specify render mode
env = gym.make("nasim:TinyPO-v0", render_mode="human")