Benchmark Scenarios

There are a number of existing scenarios that come with NASim. They cover a range of complexities and sizes and are intended to be used to help with benchmarking algorithms. Additionally, there are two flavours of existing scenarios: static and generated.


For full list of benchmark scenarios see All benchmark scenarios.

Static scenarios are predefined and will be exactly the same every time they are loaded. They are defined in .yaml files in the nasim/scenarios/benchmark/ directory.

Generated are scenario generated using the Scenario Generator based on some parameters. While certain features of the each scenario will remain constant between generations (e.g. number of hosts, services, exploits), other features may change (e.g. specific host configurations, firewall settings, exploit probabilities) depending on the random seed.

All benchmark scenarios

The following table provides details of each benchmark scenario currently available in NASim.

NASim Benchmark scenarios
Name Type Subnets Hosts OS Services Processes Exploits PrivEscs Actions Observation Dims States Step Limit
tiny static 4 3 1 1 1 1 1 18 4X14 576 1000
tiny-hard static 4 3 2 3 2 3 2 27 4X18 9216 1000
tiny-small static 5 5 2 3 2 3 2 45 6X20 15360 1000
small static 5 8 2 3 2 3 2 72 9X23 24576 1000
small-honeypot static 5 8 2 3 2 3 2 72 9X23 24576 1000
small-linear static 7 8 2 3 2 3 2 72 9X22 24576 1000
medium static 6 16 2 5 3 5 3 192 17X27 393216 2000
medium-single-site static 2 16 2 5 3 5 3 192 17x34 393216 2000
medium-multi-site static 7 16 2 5 3 5 3 192 17X29 393216 2000
tiny-gen generated 4 3 1 1 1 1 1 18 4X14 576 1000
tiny-gen-rangoal generated 4 3 1 1 1 1 1 18 4X14 576 1000
small-gen generated 5 8 2 3 2 3 2 72 9X23 24576 1000
small-gen-rangoal generated 5 8 2 3 2 3 2 72 9X23 24576 1000
medium-gen generated 6 16 2 5 2 5 2 176 17X26 196608 2000
large-gen generated 8 23 3 7 3 7 3 322 24X32 4521984 5000
huge-gen generated 11 38 4 10 4 10 4 684 39X40 2.39E+08 10000
pocp-1-gen generated 10 35 2 50 2 60 2 2310 36X75 1.51E+19 30000
pocp-2-gen generated 21 95 3 10 3 30 3 3515 96X48 1.49E+08 30000

The number of actions is calculated as Hosts X (Exploits + PrivEscs + 4). The +4 is for the 4 scans available for each host (OSScan, ServiceScan, ProcessScan, and SubnetScan).

The number of states is calculated as Hosts X 2^(3 + OS + Services) X 3 *. Here the first 3 comes from the *compromised, reachable and discovered features of the state and the base of 2 is due to all state features being boolean (present/absent). The second 3 comes from the number of possible access levels possible on a host.

The table below provides mean steps to reach the goal and reward (+/- stdev) for a uniform random agent, with scores averaged over 100 runs.

NASim Benchmark scenarios Agent scores
Scenario Name Steps Total Reward
tiny 108.02 +/- 43.82 91.98 +/- 43.82
tiny-hard 135.31 +/- 65.56 21.05 +/- 85.45
tiny-small 319.56 +/- 124.26 -225.86 +/- 167.14
small 501.94 +/- 181.40 -469.80 +/- 241.99
small-honeypot 448.72 +/- 151.62 -476.08 +/- 222.41
small-linear 566.00 +/- 177.08 -555.08 +/- 241.06
medium 1371.45 +/- 420.41 -1875.29 +/- 660.62
medium-single-site 654.89 +/- 385.76 -782.17 +/- 581.14
medium-multi-site 1060.94 +/- 389.86 -1394.71 +/- 590.89
tiny-gen 86.56 +/- 40.16 116.43 +/- 40.15
tiny-gen-rgoal 98.94 +/- 47.83 104.02 +/- 47.80
small-gen 435.73 +/- 205.61 -228.53 +/- 214.34
small-gen-rgoal 423.52 +/- 226.68 -218.62 +/- 240.20
medium-gen 1002.94 +/- 468.10 -788.64 +/- 481.86
large-gen 2548.62 +/- 1224.08 -2327.34 +/- 1241.92
huge-gen 6303.86 +/- 2403.40 -6075.69 +/- 2434.77
pocp-1-gen 15189.46 +/- 6879.75 -14947.80 +/- 6887.43
pocp-2-gen 17211.38 +/- 5855.83 -16871.05 +/- 5864.58

Notes on the scenarios

The tiny, small, medium, large, and huge (and their generated versions) are all based on the network scenarios first used by:

The pocp-1-gen and pocp-2-gen scenarios are based on the work by:

The other scenarios were made up by author after looking at some random google images of network layouts, and playing around with different interesting network topologies.