
This module contains the HostVector class.

This is the main class for storing and updating the state of a single host in the NASim environment.

class nasim.envs.host_vector.HostVector(vector)

A Vector representation of a single host in NASim.

Each host is represented as a vector (1D numpy array) for efficiency and to make it easier to use with deep learning agents. The vector is made up of multiple features arranged in a consistent way.

Features in the vector, listed in order, are:

  1. subnet address - one-hot encoding with length equal to the number
    of subnets
  2. host address - one-hot encoding with length equal to the maximum number
    of hosts in any subnet
  3. compromised - bool
  4. reachable - bool
  5. discovered - bool
  6. value - float
  7. discovery value - float
  8. access - int
  9. OS - bool for each OS in scenario (only one OS has value of true)
  10. services running - bool for each service in scenario
  11. processes running - bool for each process in scenario


  • The size of the vector is equal to:

    #subnets + max #hosts in any subnet + 6 + #OS + #services + #processes.

  • Where the +6 is for compromised, reachable, discovered, value, discovery_value, and access features

  • The vector is a float vector so True/False is actually represented as 1.0/0.0.


Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


Perform given action against this host

Parameters:action (Action) – the action to perform
  • HostVector – the resulting state of host after action
  • ActionObservation – the result from the action
classmethod reset()

Resets any class variables.

This is used to avoid errors when changing scenarios within a single python session